Wilkes-Barre City Council approves food truck ordinance

WILKES-BARRE — Council at Thursday’s regular meeting approved a food truck ordinance for the city that

Monk's Cheesesteaks & Cheeseburgers closing restaurant in Greensboro, transforming into food truck

The business has operated for more than 35 years and been on Pyramids Village Blvd. for

Scammer Selling Bogus Cheyenne Frontier Days Applications To Food Trucks

Wyoming food truck vendors are being scammed into paying bogus application fees in hopes of having

2nd Annual International Food Truck Festival coming to Lynn Haven

The City of Lynn Haven will bring a diversity of delicious flavors to its 2nd Annual

Wilkes-Barre considers food truck regulations

Wilkes-Barre City Council is taking the first of two votes Thursday night that could lead to

KCK food truck operators learn how to prevent another shutdown

KCK police, fire, and health departments joined state officials in educating food truck operators about preventing

Saginaw restaurant Robbie D’s will transition to food truck

Robbie D’s is returning to its roots. The Saginaw restaurant — popular for its lemon pepper

What's new at the downtown Redding food truck park opening on Friday

People in general are just ready to be outside.’ Food trucks rev up to open in

New scam is targeting CFD food trucks

CPD is warning food truck vendors that a new fraud scheme is making the rounds involving

From food truck to restaurant: Local sisters to launch new pizzeria in Clayton

After operating out of three food trucks and a successful catering business for over a decade,