Monthly Archive:: april 2024

City realizes it used wrong food truck code

According to Jeff Humphrey, owner of Humphrey Sign Co. in Oak Harbor, seven food vendors have

Black Food Truck Festival rolls back in town this weekend

If you’re looking for something fun to do this weekend, you are in luck! The annual

GOPIZZA started as a food truck – 8 yrs in, it grew to become the 3rd largest pizza chain in S’pore

His frustrations led to the inception of South Korean pizza chain GOPIZZA in 2016, with a

JHCO Dispatches 115-Truck Convoy Of Food Aid To Gaza

AMMAN – The Jordan Hashemite Charity Organisation (JHCO) has dispatched a new food aid convoy to

Community comes together after family food truck catches fire

The family owned food truck, Tennessee River Pirate, began as a logo for a boat flag

Father’s Day, National Food Truck Day and More Calendar Dates in June

16 It’s Father’s Day, and all over America, fathers are practicing that look — the one

Food Truck Fridays return on May 3

The Friday Food Trucks on Heroes Way keep busy in June with long lines as area

Twin Falls Food Truck Square Soft Opening This Weekend

Twin Falls, Idaho is set to debut its first and only year-round food truck square this

Food trucks can apply to operate in some Walton County parks

Walton County is opening bids to allow food trucks at certain parks. County commissioners voted 4-1

Kingston mulls food truck regulations

Currently, Kingston food trucks are permitted under the peddler-and-solicitor law, and a license is provided by