Monthly Archive:: december 2021

Hong Kong food truck scheme to be axed as social unrest and coronavirus pandemic hammer tourism

Hong Kong’s ailing food truck pilot scheme, originally designed to cater for tourists, has finally been

Food Truck Heads to East St. Louis to Feed Hungry Citizens Today

As part of a “Love Thy Neighbor” initiative started by Soulcial Kitchen, the organization is headed

Food truck plan for former Ayrshire garage forecourt

Plans have been lodged to base a food truck at a disused garage forecourt in Ayrshire.

Uncle Dendog’s Food Truck: where tradition meets rendition

Uncle Dendog’s slings fat crazy K-dawgs, yes. Insane hybrids encased in Cha’s beautiful, light batter that

Blaine Fisher aims for 2022 debut of food truck with a mission to showcase abilities over disabilities

From Special Olympics to toy drives, Blaine Fisher works hard to make the most of his

Hong Kong: Food truck scheme to end

The Tourism Commission announced today that the Food Truck Pilot Scheme will end on June 1,

Naperville officials divided on how to regulate food trucks

A taco truck set up in a gas station parking lot has caught the attention of

Food truck scheme to end

The Tourism Commission announces that the Food Truck Pilot Scheme will end on June 1, 2022,

Op1: sterrenchef Soenil Bahadoer serveert vanuit foodtruck: ‘Goede vibe creëren’

Hieronder zie je een fragment uit de uitzending van Op1 van woensdag 22 december. Je kunt

Louisville woman's stolen food truck found in Tennessee

Carmen Mata said the truck was stripped of everything on the inside and she’s now in