Monthly Archive:: april 2020

Home but Not Alone: Crisis Support Services of Nevada call center offers supportive free resource during COVID-19 Crisis

COVID-19 has caused increased social distancing and self-isolation, and many Nevadans struggle to cope with the

Carson City arrests: Incident over pizza takeout leads to arrest for suspicion of DUI

A 51-year-old Carson City man was arrested Sunday for suspicion of DUI following an incident at

Nevada Recycles challenges families to reduce waste for Earth Week

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, Nevada Recycles is presenting the Earth Week Waste

Echoes of the past: Exploring the 1918 influenza epidemic in Nevada

The COVID-19 outbreak doesn’t represent the first quarantine order implemented in Nevada to combat an infectious

Senator Square: Carson High School student shares personal pandemic story

Bryant is a freshman Honors student at CHS, and the following is her response to the

Herman den Blijker verrast mensen met culinaire verwennerij uit zijn foodtruck

Met z’n allen binnenblijven biedt de mogelijkheid om uitgebreid te koken. Maar wat als je een

Campaign for Mayor

At this time with so many having so little due to the pandemic’s impact on the

Carson High School awash with light in honor of graduating class of 2020 and front line workers

The fundraiser begins at 5:30 p.m. and will include food trucks, yard games, and music. The

Tadic imponeerde in Turijn: "Mooi om hem te zien spelen"

Juventus-keeper Wojciech Szczesny herinnert zich nog goed hoe de Serviër zijn verdediging tot last was. Dat

Tadic zorgde voor verbazing bij Juve-keeper: 'Toen ik 'm zag, dacht ik: oh my god'

Maar hij speelde daar niet in de spits, maar op de vleugels. Toen ik hem bij